
Welcome to William Cassidi C of E Primary School

Newsletter – Autumn 1 2024


Thank you

A huge thank you to our school community for your recent support with summer fundraising efforts and donations. During Sports and Fitness week pupils participated in the Race For Life and raised an amazing £562.00 for Cancer Research UK. During the Y6 Leavers’ Fair £630.00 was raised. The Y6 pupils have decided that they would like to donate the funds raised towards subsidising a theatre/pantomime visit for children in Y1 – Y6 in December and purchase a special treat for the children in Early Years. Thank you for your support with these recent fundraising events.


Uniform Reminder

Autumn / Winter school uniform consists of:

  • Royal blue sweatshirt
  • Pale blue polo shirt
  • Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore
  • Grey tights / socks
  • Plain black school shoes
  • Book bag
  • Plain blue drawstring PE bag (issued by school)
  • P.E. kit – plain navy tracksuit, plain navy t-shirt and trainers


If the weather is particularly hot when we return to school in September, the children are welcome to wear their daywear summer dresses and tailored shorts. Navy shorts can also be packed into their PE kits. From September pupils will need to bring their PE kits into school using the blue drawstring bags provided. The PE kits will remain in school for the remainder of the half-term; we will send kits home prior to a half-term if we feel they require a refresh.


Please ensure you put your child’s name or initials into all uniform items so that they can be returned if misplaced. Uniform may be purchased from any supermarket or clothes store; items do not need to have the school logo on. However, you may wish for certain items to be branded and have your child’s initials placed on the items. One source of uniform which places the school logo and initials on the garments is Elizabeth’s Embroidery.


If your child is having their ears pierced during the summer holidays, please do this at the start of summer holidays so that earrings can be removed at the end of August before returning to school.


Key Dates for you Diary

4th September

Autumn term two begins. Pupils in KS2 re-commence French sessions with a visiting linguist.

11th – 13th September

Robinwood residential for Y5/6 pupils.

13th September

Roald Dahl Day. Pupils have the option of coming to school dressed as their favourite Roald Dahl character or wearing yellow.  

16th September

Y3 pupils begin a 2 week swimming course. Pupils will visit Splash each afternoon for 2 weeks within the school day. Swimming kit needed. Off-site.

17th September

External basketball coach to visit school and work with Y5/ pupils for x 10 weeks. On-site. PM within the school day.

18th September

Attendance drop-in session with Mrs Campbell. 2:30pm in the school hall. Enter via the school office. Parents/carers will have the opportunity to ask any questions relating to the national changes to school attendance.

20th September

Rescheduled Sports Day for EY, KS1 and KS2. Further details to follow.

Y3 pupils will not swim on this date and will join in with sports day activities.

25th  September

Cross-Country Event. Y5/6 pupils at Norton Sports Complex. Off-site. PM within the school day.

Reception baseline assessments. Further information to follow.

27th September

Tempest Photography in school. Individual and sibling photographs. AM.

MacMillan Coffee Event from 2:30pm in the school playground (weather permitting)

30th September

Y6 pupils begin a 2 week swimming course. Pupils will visit Splash each afternoon for 2 weeks within the school day. Swimming kit needed. Off-site.

3rd October

National Poetry Day. Pupils will take part in poetry workshops and activities.

4th October

Y5 Scavenger Hunt. Off-site at Northfield School. PM within the school day.

9th October


Y2 Multi-Sports Event. Durham Queen Campus. Off-site. PM within the school day.

10th October

World Mental Health Day

11th October

Wildcats Football Event. Y3/4 girls. Stockton Town FC. Off-site. PM within the school day.

16th October

KS2 SEND Sporting Event. Selected pupils across KS2. Durham Queen Campus. Off-site. AM within the school day.

21st October

Assessment Point 1 / interim assessment for pupils Y1 – Y6

22nd October

Y5 Athletics. Durham Queen Campus. Off-site. AM within the school day.

24th October

Harvest Festival at St John’s Church. 2:15pm onwards.

25th October

School finishes for half-term.

4th November

Autumn term two begins for pupils.



We believe that strong communication between home and school is vital for the wellbeing and academic progress of your child. We use a number ways to communicate with you:

  1. Daily interactions with class teachers, support staff and the Headteacher before and after the school day. Mrs Barrett is available in the school office for any queries during the day.  
  2. E-Schools. This platform will share information specific to your child’s curriculum and class – including homework. Mr Proud can support families with E-Schools access if needed.
  3. Facebook. This is designed as a platform for parents/carers so that we can share weekly whole school updates and celebrations. Please give us a ‘follow’ to see all that we share.
  4. X (previously Twitter). This platform allows us to engage with the wider educational community. Please give us a ‘follow’ to see all that we share.
  5. Website. This is the ‘go to’ place for key information including term time dates, etc…
  6. Community Notice Board. This is located on the school playground near the entry and exit gates. Copies of letters (including newsletters) are placed here.
  7. Parish Magazine. We provide local residents with an insight into our lovely school.
  8. Half-termly newsletters. Each half-term we issue a newsletter with key dates / activities.
  9. Parent Schedule (issued each September) with advance notice of key dates/events throughout the academic year.


Summer Holiday Fun and New Term Arrangements

Last week we issued the Primary Times magazine, which signposts families to local activities taking place. www.stockton.gov.uk/haf also has a timetable of events. We look forward to seeing the children again on Wednesday 4th September. Have a lovely summer and thank you, as always, for your continued support. We are looking forward to another wonderful school year in 2024/25.


Yours sincerely,



Mrs J Campbell

Reminder that it is the time of year for infections spreading, including Scarlet Fever and Chicken Pox. Please see links, in Parent Info/NHS symptoms and guidance, on how to prevent the spread of diseases and symptoms.
 We have been notified of outbreaks of Measles on the rise. Please see our 'Parents Info' tab for information and catch up clinics. 

 If you have time please log on and complete Stockton Borough Council, data survey below.


Many thanks

William Cassidi CofE Aided Primary School 

 our new email address is
If you are in need of any of the information contained herewith on this website in paper form please do not hesitate to contact the school and we will facilitate this.