William Cassidi is a Church of England Aided School. Our aim is to encourage the children to have an awareness of the Christian approach to the whole of life. It is our aim to encourage local clergy, when available, to work closely with staff and take an active part in the life of the school.
We encourage parents to share in the life of the school to help create a happy, caring atmosphere of co-operation and trust.
We have a dedicated staff, who strive hard to provide a stimulating
environment for the children to help them to achieve their full potential.
Welcome to our school.
Chairman of the Governors
School Governors
Foundation Governors:
Chairman of Governors:
Mrs. C. Peters
C/o William Cassidi C of E
Primary School
TS21 1JD
Foundation Governors:
Mrs S. Bell
Mrs J. Wood
Ms C. Harris
Mrs C. Peters
LA Governor & Vice Chairman:
Mrs V. Fletcher
Parent Governor
Mrs. C. Shannon
Mrs. M. Goncalves
Rev. C. Gibbs
Staff Governor
Mrs J. Hall
Head Teacher Governor:
Mrs. J. Campbell
The Governing Body meets once a term to discuss all matters connected with school. Sub-Committee meetings are also held to discuss more specific aspects of running the school. Each Governor takes an active interest in the school and Governors attend Governor training sessions, whenever possible.