
The schools' Christian Values

 3rd January 2024


Dear Parents/Carers,


We are delighted to share with you our inspection report from our recent SIAMS Inspection. A SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) Inspection usually takes place every five years and considers how a school meets the needs of all its learners through its distinctive character; the impact of collective worship on the school community; the effectiveness of religious education and the effectiveness of the leadership and management of the school. It is conducted by an external inspector as rigorously as in an OFSTED inspection. They gather evidence and conduct interviews, then consider their judgements against specific criteria which is then quality assured by the National Society.


Our school has been judged to be outstanding. We are very proud of the children who met with the inspector and spoke so eloquently about our school, talking about and sharing their work, their experiences and school life in general. We would also like to thank the parents who met with and spoke to the inspector during the day and at Family Worship, their thoughts and comments fully supported all that the inspector viewed during the day.


We hope you enjoy sharing the lovely comments made about our children and our school. The partnership we have is clearly evident in the text of the report and recognises that our school a very special place – an outstanding school!


If you would like to discuss any aspect of the report please do not hesitate to contact me.




Yours sincerely,





Mrs. J. Campbell                               

Head Teacher                                     

Fundamental to the Christian ethos of our school are the values exemplified by the teachings and life of Christ: love, care, compassion, friendship, respect, perseverance, forgiveness, thankfulness, generosity, courage, trust, service and respect.
Throughout their school career at Willian Cassidi, pupils learn about how Jesus demonstrated these values and consider how others utilise them for the common good. The children will be encouraged to use the values in their own lives.